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Itinerari studiati insieme alle migliori Guide Ambientali Escursionistiche


Questa escursione, condotta sui maestosi monti che coronano l’alta Val Nure, presenta molti motivi di interesse. Innanzitutto, il percorso porta proprio sulla vetta dei “giganti” dell’Appennino piacentino: dalle cime dei monti Nero e Bue, (1750 e 1780 metri), si possono ammirare lunghe teorie di rilievi, borgate montane, boschi e pascoli, dalle Alpi Apuane a quelle Marittime. La loro altezza, inoltre, ha consentito il ritorno di specie botaniche tipiche dei climi freddi che, presenti in modo diffuso sulle nostre montagne all’epoca delle glaciazioni, le hanno abbandonate in seguito: il versante settentrionale del monte Nero è, con la Maiella, l’unica stazione appenninica in cui vegeta spontaneamente il pino mugo, nonché l’unico massiccio della nostra provincia in cui è possibile osservare l’abete bianco.


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Monte Nero, whose top reaches a height of 1753 meters above sea level, is located in the high Ligurian-Emilian Apennines, along the ridge that separates the provinces of Parma and Piacenza and very close to the border with Liguria. The whole area is included within the SIC (Site of Community Interest) IT4010003 - SIC- Monte Nero, Monte Maggiorasca, La Ciapa Liscia. Overall, Monte Nero is subject to an altitude climate with rigid and snowy winters and temperate summers. The whole area is very interesting from a landscape-environmental, botanical and floristic point of view. The glacial origin modeling of the territory has positively influenced the conservation of some peculiar ecosystems and species. The most characteristic ecosystems with a high degree of naturalness of Monte Nero, in addition to the mountain pine shrub mixed with beech and silver fir, are the Black Lake and the peat bog. The last glaciation contributed significantly to the conformation of the territory, leaving signs that are still visible today despite the glaciers having completely disappeared about 10,000 years ago. The Black Lake, at the foot of the north side, is the most striking example, but also the peat bogs of the “Buche”, located downstream of the lake, were the site of glacial cirques which later buried themselves. Among the most important presences we must remember the mountain pine, which together with the silver fir represents a real glacial relict. The mountain pine in Italy has a central and eastern Alpine distribution, while in the Apennines its presence is very fragmentary: apart from the Monte Nero and Monte Ragola stations, it can only be found on the Maiella. This pine has a typical relict behavior, occupying marginal, inhospitable environments, such as scree, stony ground, cliffs. These are very selective environments where competition from other species, especially beech, is very low. In fact, on Monte Nero we find it in the open and luminous beech woods, solitary or in large groups in the summit meadows and, unique among the woody species, in the stabilized scree. The conservation of these glacial relics should be understood not only as the protection of individual species but as the protection of the entire ecosystem of the Monte Nero area, a refuge site for many species with alpine diffusion.

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